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Thevaraj Selvarajoo (2014)
Hockey (2014)
SPI Hockey Club had started their training sessions in the month of January.  Training was held three times a week.  Training sessions for the afternoon boys are scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the school field, whereas for the morning session students, hockey training is held at the Seremban 2 Hockey Stadium (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Training on Saturdays   is for everyone at the S2 hockey Stadium.   Intensive training and friendly matches with other teams are also held occasionally throughout the year.
In the month of February, the ‘Under -16  six a sde tournament was held (SPI - 3rd ).  Three of our SPI boys selected for Negeri Sembilan under 16 Team in Kangar Perlis (Hemadevan Karuppiah, Nor Azhan Badrun and Mohd Ammrul Hazim).  The SPI Under -18 boys took part in the MSSMDS tournament which was organized by St. Pauls. The U-18 boys emerged as Seremban 1 champions.  In addition to that, 11 of our Paulians were selected to represent the Seremban 1 district for the   Under  -18 team and has managed to become  tne Champion this year after a long time.  Four of our SPI boys played for Negeri Sembilan MSSM Team ( Mohd Syahhiran, Mohd Ammieul Hafiz, Nor Azhan Badrun and Mohd Ammrul Hazim).  Three of our Paulian players were selected to represent Negeri Sembilan for the national level   ‘1 MAS’ 2014 tournament (Mohd Ammirul Hazim, Mohd Hafiz Najmi  and Nor Azhan Badrun) held in Ipoh Perak. Mohd Ammirul Hazim was selected for Latihan Pusat Kebangsaan. This Malaysian team  will be going to Perth,  Australia (Disember) 
Mr Subramaniam was appointed as Head coach for the MSSM tournament and   U16 ‘1MAS’ state team  and  Manager for the Negeri Razak Cup team played at Kuantan Pahang
Besides this, our hockey players took part in the NSHA League, where 20   of our Paulian players represented OPA  B and OPA  A. Apart from taking part in the MSSMNS tournament, the school team had also participated in the following   tournaments  :
-NSHA ‘six - a - side’ ( U14 )
-NSHA ‘six - a - side’ ( U16 ) 
-Negeri Sembilan  League 
-‘1Mas’  National’ Competition (Ipoh Perak) 
-MSSM ( Kuantan, Pahang )
-Pesta Hoki USM , Penang