This Web Page Created By
Kuhan a/l Vellan
Barnitus (2016)
Head Of Advisors : Mrs. Ng Siew Pin
Teacher Advisors
- Mdm. Ruhainis Bt Ibrahim (K)
- Mdm. Mazlya Bt Mokhtar
- Mdm. Nur Juwaini Bt Arshad
- Mdm. Suhana Bt Hussin
- Mdm. Teoh Kwee Choo
- Mdm. Nor Hafini Bt Yusuf
- Mdm. Agnes Ammal a/p Thasan
- Mdm. Siti Azirah Abidin
- Ms. Hardeepak Kanda
- Mr. Mohd Narakna Hassan (PK)
- Mr. Raventheran Manikam
- Mdm. Ain Aisyarina Hamadin
- Mdm. Rostina Muhiyudin
- Mr. Abdul Kadir B.Mohd Omm
- Mr. Helton
- Mdm. Nurul Hadida (K)

House Captain : Muhd Dannish Farish Mohd Nasir (4 CASIMIR)
Vice Captain : Murugappan a/l P. Nachiappan (4 ANSELM)
Secretary : Iswaran Tangarajah (5 BASILIAN)
Treasurer : Haarishinny Parameswaran (UPPER SIX 5)

Baminton : Calven Tan (4 ANSELM)
Basketball : Leong Yoke Kwan (5 CASIMIR)
Futsal : Iman Muqrish Khairul Nizam (4 BASILIAN)

FORM 6 : John Nathan E. David (UPPER SIX 1)
FORM 5 : Thineshwaran Naharajan (5 BASILIAN)
FORM 4 : Lai Pick Han (4 ANSELM)
FORM 3 : Muhd Akmal Muhamad (3 ANSELM)
FORM 2 : Kartik Raj Raman (2 ANSELM)
FORM 1 : Dhavinraj Davendran (1 AUSTIN)

The Annual General Meeting was held in January to elect the new House Captain and committee members for the year 2016. This was followed by the preparation for the Cross Country and Annual Sports Day. Training sessions were held once a week on Mondays from January to March.
Heartiest congratulations to all the dedicated teacher advisors, committed committee members, aspiring athletes and students of Barnitus House who contributed much during the sports activities in 2016.

Prepared by,

Iswaran Tangarajah