This Web Page Created By
Dharvinraj Devendran (2018)
WYSIWYG Web Builder
Chan Choong Tak Award(2016)
My advice to all Paulians is to be faithful and strive to
be best in all that you do just as it is in the lyrics of the School Rally,
“Forward her children dear, ever with hearts sincere, Render with
joy to your Mater her due. All that is vile reject, heaven will e’er
protect, Sons of St Paul’s valiant and true”. Our Paulian education
is beyond text books and examinations and we need to live it with
positive contribution to school and society. So keep the green and
white flag flying high for Once a Paulian, Always A Paulian.
Master Murugappan s/o Nachiappan
Head Prefect of St Paul's Institution (2016/2017)